
Fields Physiotherapy

Your First Appointment

The first appointment will last an hour and a half. During this time we will take a detailed history of your problem and any previous related episodes and discuss your medical history together with what your work, sports and hobbies entail. This helps to diagnose your problem correctly and enables us to put together an effective treatment plan and rehabilitation programme that fits in with your lifestyle. This first appointment will be concluded with an initial treatment to get the repair underway.


Cost of first appointment - £95.

Subsequent appointments

Subsequent treatments last for one hour. Because everyone is an individual, it is difficult to say exactly how many treatments each person will need. Some people may only need advice, some may need one or two appointments and others may need a more prolonged course of treatment. Some of the factors influencing the decision will be how long you have had the problem, the nature of the problem and your general health. At your first appointment we will try to give you some idea of how many treatments you will need in total.


Cost of subsequent appointments - £45.